Last year the oven in my flat broke. I've been away on placements for university and then otherwise so busy that I've just coped without it. All my cooking has been on the hob, and that's been pretty much OK. I've missed roasts and pies... so I just demand them when I go home.
The main downside is that I haven't been able to bake anything sweet. I find it so calming to bake a big batch of cupcakes or cookies when I'm feeling stressed out, and then I can distribute the yummies to all my equally as stressed out friends. It really is spreading the food love.
Now that Finals are over and I'm waiting for results I got around to ordering a new oven. It was being delivered today. In anticipation (and to kill the time while I waited), I made a massive bowl of cookie dough ready to bake as soon as the oven was installed.
It wasn't to be.
The nice man arrived with my new ELECTRIC oven. The old one was gas. Even though the lady on the phone said he'd be able to uninstall the gas oven he wasn't.
Depression almost set in. I couldn't imagine waiting 2 days to cook my cookies, not while the batch of cookie dough was staring at me.
I had 3 options;
1. Keep the dough in the fridge and wait. Er. No.
2. Eat it all raw... but even I'm not that piggy.
3. Find another way to cook the cookies.
So I put my mind to work and decided to try and cook the cookies in a frying pan. It was time consuming, but a big success...
Ingredients (makes 25+ small cookies)
2 eggs
250g unsalted butter
155g dark soft brown sugar
155g caster sugar
375g plain flour
pinch of salt
Tsp baking powder
120g porridge oats
200g raisins
2 handfuls of fresh raspberries
Butter to grease the pan.
How to...
1. Mix together butter and sugars. This is easiest with clean fingers.
5. Grease a pan with a little bit of butter. Put the pan on the lowest heat you can.
6. Splodge some of the cookie dough in the pan and try to get it a bit flat and cookie shaped. I find it easiest to cook maximum of 4 cookies at a time.
7. Cover the pan with something like a baking tray and leave for 4-5 minutes.
8. Flip cookie over and cook for another 4 or so minutes on the other side.
9. Put cookies to cool and try to resist eating them all at once. If you're generous you can wrap them up in little cellophane parcels and give them to people. If you're not just enjoy them with a cup of tea.
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